Okullarin kapanmasindan sonra Mississauga'da cocuklu aileler tarafindan en fazla ragbet edilen aktivitelerden biri de Mississauga Recreation and Parks tarafindan duzenlenen yaz kampi programlari.
Kis sezonunun sona ermesi ile birlikte bahar ve yaz aylari icin olan aktiviteler simdiden planlanmis, yerleri ve gunleri belirlenmis durumda.
3 yasindan 16 yasina kadar olan cocuklar icin tasarlanmis olan Yaz Kamplari , okul oncesi cocuklari icin yarim gun, okula giden cocuklar icin yarim gun ve tam gun sekilde hazirlanmis durumda. Basvuru, kayit ve odeme islemleri online olarak yapiliyor. En populer aktivitelerin kayitlari genelde cok erken bittiginden dolayi yaz kampi basvurulari bir an once yapmakta fayda var.
Online basvuru ve kayit icin gereken link asagida:
Monday, 30 April 2012
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Ontario Landlord & Tenant Board
Bu yazida Mississauga'da ev sahipleri ve kiracilar icin legal her turlu bilginin bulundugu Ontario Landlord and Tenant Rights isimli resmi kurulus hakkinda bilgi vermek istedik. Kontrat icin her turlu bilgi ve dokumani bulabileceginiz bu web sitesi, kiracilar ve ev sahiplerinin legal haklari hakkinda da her turlu bilgiye ulasmanizi sagliyor.
Kiracilar bu linkten kendileri icin gereken bilgilere, asagidaki form ve dokumanlara ulasabilirler:
Form T1 - Tenant Application for a Rebate
Form T2 - Application About Tenant Rights
Form T3 - Tenant Application for a Rent Reduction
Form T4 - Tenant Application - Landlord did not Comply with an Agreement to Increase the Rent
Form T5 - Tenant Application - Landlord Gave a Notice of Termination in Bad Faith
Form T6 - Tenant Application About Maintenance
Ayni sekilde ev sahipleri de bu linkten kendileri icin gerekli bilgilere, yasal islemlerde kullanacaklari form ve dokumlara ulasabilirler.
Mississauga'da oturan ev sahipleri ve kiracilar ayrica:
Mississauga - Central Regional Office
3 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 520
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 2G5
Fax No. 905-279-7286 or 1-888-322-2841
3 Robert Speck Parkway, Suite 520
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 2G5
Fax No. 905-279-7286 or 1-888-322-2841
Kiralama yapilirken imza atacaginiz kontrat kira suresi icinde sizi baglayacak bir yasal dokuman olup, Landlord & Tenant kanununa uygun sekilde duzenlenmelidir. Kontrat sartlarini iyice anladiktan sonra imza atmanizi, anlamadiginiz taktirde ise bu konuda yardim almanizi onemle tavsiye ederiz.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Interview Skills Workshop
975 Meyerside Drive Mississauga adresinde bulunan Peel Career Assessment Services 3 Mayis 2012 tarihinde is basvurularinin en kritik noktasi olan is gorusmesi (interview) tekniklerinin anlatildigi ve ucretsiz olarak katilimci olabileceginiz bir seminer duzenliyor. Ayrintili bilgileri asagida bulabilirsiniz.
Interview Skills Workshop | ||
Convince the employer to hire you! Learn how to effectively answer common and challenging interview questions and practice during a group and/or one-on-one mock interview! |
Event Date(s): |
More Information: |
Event Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Event Location: 975 Meyerside Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5T 1P9 Cost: Free Phone Number: 905-670-1967 E-mail Address: erc@peelcareer.com Visit: http://peelcareer.com/programs/full-suite-employment-services |
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Hurontario/Main LRT Project
Mississauga ve Brampton Belediye'lerinin
ortaklasa duzenledikleri ve 2008'den beri uzerinde ugrastiklari Hurontario /
Main Tramvay projesi icin bir takim cozum onerileri Nisan 2012 tarihinden
itibaren bu bolgede yasayan kisilerin de goruslerine sunulacak.
![]() |
Hurontario Street |
Bu rayli sistem projesinin
amaci Hurontario Street'in en guneyindeki Port Credit'ten baslamak uzere
bolgedeki GO Train istasyonlarina ulasimi da icine dahil edip kuzey arteri
uzerinde devam edip Mississauga'yi Brampton'a baglamak. Projeyi yapan kentsel
tasarimcilar Toronto'daki rayli sistemin ulasima kattigi arti noktalarin bu iki
sehir icin de zamanla ortaya cikacagini ve trafik yogunlugu acisindan da olumlu
olacagini soyluyorlar.
![]() |
Hurontario- Main LRT Projesi |
maliyetleri ile birlikte butun cizim detaylari Mississauga ve Brampton'da
yasayan kisiler de sunulup, halkin da buna karsi gorusleri alinacak.
icin 25 Nisan 2012'de saat 15.00- 20.00 arasinda ucretsiz bir etkinlik duzenleniyor.
Projenin detaylarini ogrenmek ve gelecek yillarda Mississauga'nin nasil bir
cehre kazanacagini gormek isteyenler icin firsat olacaktir.
detaylarini asagida sizlerle paylasiyorum.
Sevgi ve
Selim Y.
Mimar /
Kentsel Tasarimci
LRT Project Launch Event
City of Mississauga’s Hurontario-Main LRT (Light Rail Transit) Project team
will update the public on progress, timelines, next steps and provide
information on LRT systems in cities around the world at a project launch
event planned for April 25, 2012.
Civic Centre - Great Hall
300 City Centre Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C1 Phone: 905-896-5000 |
3:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Catherine Monast, 905-615-3200 Ext. 5046, catherine.monast@mississauga.ca
the Hurontario/Main LRT Project Postcard here.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Mississauga'daki Muzeler
Baharin gelmesi ve havalarinda duzelmesi ile Mississauga'da yapilabilecek en guzel aktivitelerden biri de Mississauga'daki eski yasami anlatan muzeleri dolasmak. Muzeler Carsamba ve Pazar gunleri saat 13.00-17.00 arasinda rehber esliginde gezilebiliyor.
Mississauga'daki 3 tane muzenin adres ve ulasim bilgileri asagida, program yapmadan once 905 615-4860 nolu arayip ziyaret edeceginiz gunu ve saati belirtip konfirmasyon yapmaniz gerekiyor.
Historic House
1507 Clarkson Rd. N. Mississauga, L5J 2W8
Phone: 905 615-4860 | Fax: 905-615-4861
Map of this location |
Take the Bus
1507 Clarkson Rd. N. Mississauga, L5J 2W8
Phone: 905 615-4860 | Fax: 905-615-4861
Main Office Hours
Anchorage Visitor Centre, Bradley Museum
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Email: museums.mississauga@mississauga.ca
Year Round: Open Wednesday & Sundays 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. for drop-in guided tours.
Regular Admission Rates for Drop-in Guided Tours:
Family: | $15.00 |
Adults: | $6.00 |
Students: | $4.80 |
Child (4 to12): | $4.80 |
Under 3: | Free |
Taxes are not included |
Call 905-615-4860, ext. 2110 for further information
Monday, 9 April 2012
The Canadian Citizenship Test: Get Ready!
Mississauga'da 21 Nisan ve 2 Haziran 2012 tarihlerinde Merkez Kutuphane'de duzenlenecek ucretsiz seminerler Kanada Vatandaslik Sinavi icin hazirlik yapmakta olan kisiler icin oldukca faydali olacaga benziyor. Basvurunuzun nasil yapildigi ve online olarak basvurunuzun hangi durumunda oldugu ve nasil kontrol edildigi anlatilmakla beraber, test gunune getireceginiz evraklar ile bilgilendirilip seminerin sonunda bir tane ornek testi gorme imkanininiz olacak. Gerekli bilgileri ve detaylari asagidan okuyabilirsiniz.
The Canadian Citizenship Test: Get Ready! | ||
Learn how to complete the application form, check your application online, which documents to bring on test day. Practice a test and recite the Oath of Citizenship. For more information and to register, please call Sciences & Business Department 905-615-3500, ext.3589. Central Library - Reader’s Den Program Room (1st Floor). |
Event Date(s): |
Event Time(s): | 10 - 11:30 am |
Location: |
Central Library 301 Burnhamthorpe Road West Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3Y3 Canada Phone: 905-615-3200 |
Cost: | Free |
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Free English Conversation Circles @ Erin Meadows Library
Mississauga'ya yeni gelenler ve konusma Ingilizcesini gelistirmek isteyenler icin 13 Nisan -29 Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasinda haftada bir gun olmak uzere Erin Meadows Kutuphanesinde ucretsiz dersler veriliyor, detaylari asagida bulabilirsiniz.
English Conversation Circles @ Erin Meadows Library | ||
English Conversation Circle for Adults Fridays, from 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. (No meeting on April 6, 2012) Ongoing Free In cooperation with the Polycultural Immigrant & Community Services, the Erin Meadows Library is offering an English conversation circle for adult newcomers to Canada, wishing to improve their fluency, build their vocabulary and confidence in speaking English. Contact the library at 905-615-4750 x 2086 for more information. |
Event Date(s): |
Event Time(s): | 12:30 - 2:00 pm |
Location: |
Erin Meadows Library 2800 Erin Centre Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario L5M 6R5 Canada Phone: 905-615-4750 |
Cost: | Free |
Turkish Passport Film Gosterimi - 8 Nisan Pazar 14:00
Kanada Turk Dernekleri Federasyonu 8 Nisan 2012 Pazar gunu saat 14:00'de Turkish Passport isimli filmin gosterimi hakkinda asagidaki duyuruyu yapmistir. Sizlerle paylasiyoruz:
the Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations,(FCTA) the Turkish Federation Community Foundation and the Turkish Students at various Universities and Colleges in Canada are delighted to present:
Dear Friends of Turkish Canadians and Canadian Turkish Community
the Federation of Canadian Turkish Associations,(FCTA) the Turkish Federation Community Foundation and the Turkish Students at various Universities and Colleges in Canada are delighted to present:
join us at the award-winning film;
Turkish Passport film has been
brought Turkish and Jewish communities together based on the common bond of
humanity in Canada. Three screenings were organized and shown mainly to
the Federal & Provincial Members of Parliaments, Politicians, Bureaucrats,
National Media Journalists, and Jewish Community Leaders. The Federation of
Canadian Turkish Associations and B'nai Brith organized these events together
with local Turkish Associations under the coaching of the Turkish Consulate in
January 2012.
The Turkish Passport tells the story
of diplomats posted to Turkish embassies and consulates in several European
countries, who saved numerous Jews during the Second World War. Whether they
pulled them out of camps or took them off trains that were taking them to
concentration camps, the diplomats, in the end, ensured that the Jews, who were
Turkish citizens, could return to Turkey and thus be saved.
saves one life saves the world entire"
Qur'an Al-Maeda 5:32
Screening will be;
To commemorate the Kani Gungor Remembrance Day
Gungor, Ottawa / Counselor for Commercial Affairs (Assassinated in Ottawa on April
8, 1982)
Sunday, April 8, 2012 at 2:00pm
University of Toronto
Innis Town Hall 2 Sussex Avenue, Toronto ON, M5S 1J5
RSVP by April 07, 2012 to
extend this invitation to your friends and friends in other communities
Friday, 6 April 2012
Soylesi: 26 Nisan, 19:00, Turk Romanindan Sinemaya ve TV’ye Yapilmis Uyarlamalar
Ankara Kitapligi'ndan gelen duyuruyu sizlerle paylasiyoruz:
Degerli Dostlarimiz,
Kitapligi’nin Canadian Turkish Film Society ile birlikte sunacagi Nisan
ayi soylesisi 26 Nisan’da kitaplik binamizda gerceklesecek. Bu ayki
konugumuz Turkiye’de oyunculuk yapmis ve York Universitesi Tiyatro
Bolumu’nde Oyunculuk Yuksek Linansini tamamlamis Itir Arditi. Soylesi konusu ise Turk Romanindan Sinemaya ve TV’ye Yapilmis Uyarlamalar.
Tarih: 26 Nisan Perşembe,
Saat: 19:00
Yer : Ankara Kitapligi
Adres: 501 Eglington Avenue East, Toronto, M4P 1N4
Itir, Osmanli ve Turk romaninin tarihinde gezinerek, ozellikle 80’lere kadar sayisiz sinema filmine, bugunse Yaprak Dokumu, Dudaktan Kalbe, Ask-i Memnu, Kalp Agrisi ve Hanimin Ciftligi gibi bir cok populer TV dizisine kaynaklik etmis olan romanlardan, yazarlarlarindan ve yazildiklari edebiyat donemlerinden soz edecek ve toplanti sonunda katilimcilara konu ile ilgili hazirladigi calismasini hediye edecek.
Toplumsal tarihimizin onemli duraklarina da kisacik bir sekilde ugrayan roman, sinema ve TV’mizdeki bu gezintiye butun toplum uyelerimizi davet ediyoruz.
Ankara Kitapligi ve Canadian Turkish Film Society
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Sebze Bahcesi Yapmayi Dusunenler Icin
Mississauga'daki iklim sartlarina uygun bir sekilde sebze yetistirmek ve bahcenizin bir kosesini sebze bahcesi haline getirip organik urunler yetistirmek ve yemek istiyorsaniz 7 Nisan 2012'deki ucretsiz seminer size yardimci olabilir. Saglikli ve GDO'suz bir hayat istiyorsaniz kendi sebzenizi kolaylikla yetistirebilirsiniz.
Thinking of Starting a Vegetable Garden? | ||
Discover basic vegetable gardening techniques and learn about organic gardening, raised beds, container gardening, composting, mulching and other great information. Join Edel Schmidt, president of Cloverleaf Garden Club and owner of Edelweiss Landscaping at the MacEwan Field Station. |
Event Date(s): |
More Information: |
Event Time(s): 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Event Location: MacEwan Field Station, Riverwood Park, 4190 Riverwood Park Lane, Mississauga ON, L5C 2S7. Cost: Free Contact Person: Brian Packham, 905-279-5878 |
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Mississauga Maratonu
4-6 Mayis 2012 tarihleri arasinda cesitli mesafelerde gerceklestirilecek Mississauga Maratonu'na kayitlar basladi. Maraton ve yari maratonun yani sira 10km, 5km ve 2km'den olusturulan kosu parkurlarina her sene ilgi buyuk oluyor.
Ben tempolu kosmaktan hoslanmiyorum diyenler icin 2km'lik Fun Run/Walk parkuru tavsiye olunur. Her zaman araba ile gectiginden yollardan kosarak ve yuruyerek gecmenin degisik bir keyfi oluyor.
Detayli bilgilere asagida ulasabilirsiniz:
Mississauga Marathon | ||
The Mississauga Marathon is a run that encompasses much of Mississauga's beauty. We offer a run for everyone! This includes the 10K Run/Walk, 10K Student Relay and “The Hazel” 5K Run which will all take place on Saturday, May 5th and the Marathon, Petrillo Law Corporate/Team Relay, Half Marathon and 2K Fun Run/Walk held on Sunday, May 6th, 2012. |
Event Date(s): |
More Information: |
Event Date(s) and Time(s):
Contact Information: 905-949-2931, info@mississaugamarathon.com. For more information on the road closures, timing, and how to get involved please visit: www.mississaugamarathon.com. New for 2012: All registered participants in the Marathon, Half Marathon, Petrillo Law Corporate/Team Relay and 10K will receive an Under Armour performance shirt from their 2012 spring collection! We will have men’s and women’s sizes but remember to arrive early to our Runner’s Expo in order to receive your desired size. |
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