Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Ask an Expert... about Healthy Eating

Ask an Expert... about Healthy Eating
Have you heard “you are what you eat”?! It’s true that the food we eat influences how we look and feel. Buying nutritious food can be easy and cheap. Once you know how to read labels, plan your meals, and you start to eat food that is best for your health concern you will be feeling better in no time. Each panel expert will present for 10 minutes then 1 hour is allotted to give you a chance to chat with the experts. Participants will receive an information package.

Event Date(s):
November 7, 2012

More Information: Time: 1 -3 p.m.
Location: Mississauga Valley Community Centre
Cost: Free
Contact: Call 905-450-1608 ext. 175 or email ksibal@cfspd.com.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Internet Marketing for Your Business

Internet Marketing for Your Business
How can you market your business on the internet? Learn basic tools that can help you build a presence on the internet in this seminar.

Event Date(s):
October 30, 2012

Event Time(s): 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Central Library
301 Burnhamthorpe Road West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3Y3
Phone: 905-615-3200

Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $26.50 plus tax. Pre-registration is required
Parking Information: Underground parking is available
More Information: Two Easy Ways to Register!
1. On-line through Connect2Rec at mississauga.ca/rec&parks
2. In person at a Customer Service Centre located at the Mississauga Central Library or in a Mississauga community centre near you.
Course Code: 585624

Contact: Mississauga Business Enterprise Ctre. (MBEC)

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Panel discussion: Republic and Progression of Democracy

Panel discussion: Republic and Progression of Democracy
Presenters (In alphabetical order):
  • Professor Dr.Aytug Atıcı, MP of Turkish Parliament,
  • Associate Professor Feyzi Baban, Politics and International Development at Trent University,
  • Associate Professor Sedef Arat-Koç, Department of Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University,
  • Professor Mustafa Koc, Department of Sociology at Ryerson University,                                                                                 
  • Yalcin Suer, President and CEO of Technology Licensing Inc.
When: Sunday, 21st of October, from 2:00pm-5:00pm  
Where: University of Toronto
Address: Room: 1105 Blue Room, Sandford Fleming Building, 10 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A8  

On behalf of; 
The Federation of Turkish Canadian Associations
The Association of Turkish culture and Folklore
The Library of Ankara
The Association of the Balkan Turks
The Association of the Turkish Azerbaijanis
The Association of Fenerbahce in Toronto
The Turkish association of Baba Gurgur
The Center of London Turkmen
University of Toronto Engineering Association 
And the Foundation of the Social Services of the Turkish Federation

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Building Bird Feeders

Building Bird Feeders
In this family activity, Pat Kelly, experienced birder, fisherman and carpenter, will help you build a bird feeder that you can take home and use  

Event Date(s):
October 20, 2012

More Information: Event Time: 9:30 - 10 a.m.
Event Location: Riverwood, 4190 Riverwood Park Lane, Mississauga
Event Cost: Minimal fee to cover cost of materials, collected at the event.
Contact Person: Brian Packham
Phone Number: 905-279-5878
E-mail Address: info@theriverwoodconservancy.org
Website: www.theriverwoodconservancy.org
All Lecture and Creative Workshop events will meet at the MacEwan Field Station at Riverwood.
Pre-registration is available by phone or email.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Job Fair

Job Fair
Connect with employers, explore job opportunities, and apply for jobs. Some of the employers attending include Peel Senior Link Spectrum Health Care, UPS, Zomaron, Muchburrito, Provincial Partitions and PLASP.

Event Date(s):
October 17, 2012

More Information: Event Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Event Location: 50 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300, Mississauga
Event Cost: Free
Contact Person: Employment Services
Phone Number: 905-949-0049, press 2
E-mail Address: bspearin@tcet.com
Website: www.tcet.com/MississaugaJobFair

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Historic Hallowe’en Fun at Benares Historic House

Historic Hallowe’en Fun at Benares Historic House

Sunday October 28, 2012, Noon TO 4 P.M.

Hallowe’en Festivities Include…

Reptilia shows, live music and entertainment, face painting, children’s crafts, games, tours of the historic house & more! Enter the haunted barn…if you dare!

Costume contests and a screamfest will follow thehallowe’en parade. Show us your best “monster mash” on the Monster Walk. The first 250 kids who come in costume will receive a loot bag!

Benares Historic House
1507 Clarkson Road North, Mississauga

Family Admission $15.00 plus tax
Food & Refreshments sold on site.

For more details visit
museumsofmississauga.com or 905-615-4860

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Mississauga Book Festival - celebrating books, authors and readers

Mississauga Book Festival - celebrating books, authors and readers
The annual Mississauga Book Fest returns to the Mississauga Central Library! It’s another jam-packed day of programs and activities.

Event Date(s):
October 27, 2012

Event Time(s): 11 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Central Library
301 Burnhamthorpe Road West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3Y3
Phone: 905-615-3200

More Information: Visit http://www.mississauga.ca/bookfest for more info.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Ataturk ve Cumhuriyet Bayrami Etkinlikleri

Turk Kultur ve Folklor Dernegi'nden yapilan aciklamayi sizlerle paylasiyoruz:

Türk Kültür ve Folklor Derneği Cumhuriyetimizin 89.yılını Kutluyor.
Kanada Türk Toplumu ve Tüm üyelerimiz  etkinliklere davetlidir.

 Atatürk ve Cumhuriyet Ayı olarak olarak yapılacak etkinlikler;
  1. 14 Ekim Pazar günü saat 14.00  de ‘CUMHURİYET ve KADIN’Paneli Prof.Aysan Sev’er tarafından  sunulacak. Sunum 1170 Sheppard West unit 15 Federasyon Binasının yerinde gerçekleşecek 
  2. 21 Ekim Pazar günü saat 14.00 de ‘CUMHURİYET  ve DEMOKRASİ’nin gelişimi’ paneli Prof.Mustafa Koç ve Prof.Feyzi Baban yönetiminde gerçekleşecek.Panel Toronto Üniversitesinde olacak.
  3. 28 Ekim Pazar günü 6.00 pm -01.00 am arası, Geleneksel Cumhuriyet Balosu Zülfü Livaneli Konserinde çalan NewYork Gpsy All Stars orkestrası ve Solisti Ahu Güral’ın katılımıyla Riviera Parquet Hall,2800 HWY 7 West adresinde yapılacak.Elde edilen gelirin bir kısmı da Ottawa Üniversitesinde  açılacak Atatürk Kürsüsüne bağışlanacak.
  4. 4 Kasım Pazar günü Çocuklara ve Gençlere Atatürk’ü ve Cumhuriyetimizi kavratmaya yönelik Makedonya Merkezinde kutlama yapılacak.Tişört ve yüz boyama,şiirler ,şarkılar ve halk danslarının yer alacağı etkinlikte yiyecekler ve içecekler sunulacak.Bir gerçek bayram kutlaması yaşatılacak.
  5. 10 Kasım Cumartesi günü Saat 7.00 pm de 1170 Sheppard Street West adrsinde ki Federasyon Merkezimizde Cumhuriyetimizin kurucusu Ulu Önder ATATÜRK şiirlerle ve slaytlarla anılacak.
        Kanada Türk Dernekleri ile beraber Atatürk ayı kutlamaları paralelinde Ottawa ve Ontario Parlemento Binalarında Cumhuriyet resepsiyonları verilecek ve binaların bayrak gönderlerine Türk Bayrakları çekilecek.
        Geleneksel Cumhuriyet Balosu dışında tüm etkinlikler halka ücretsiz sunulacak.
Ankakra Kitaplığı tüm etkinliklerde gerekli kitap tanıtımlarını üstlenecek.
Tüm bu etkinliklerimiz Yerel basın ve yayın organlarımızın da desteğini alarak yapılacak.Aktiviteler günü gününe Bizim Anadolu Gazetesi,Turkuaz TV ve Radio Perfect’ ten izlenenebilecek.
Kanada Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu, Türk Kültür ve Folklor Derneği , Federasyon  Hizmetleri Vakfi,Ankara Kitaplığı, Balkan Türkleri Derneği, Kıbrıs Türkleri Dernegi, Azerbeycan Derneği, Kanada Fenerbahçeliler Derneği,Baba Gurgur Merkezi,Toronto Türkmenler Dernegi ,London Türkmen Derneği  ve Toronto Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Derneği adina

"Atatürk ve Cumhuriyet ayı etkinlikleri organizasyon komitesi."